Safety, Environment, Sustainability, AND Governance

Industrial construction is inherently a hazardous, high-risk business. ICT Industrial is committed to excellence through ethical and responsible actions, the ability to think critically and solve problems, take initiative, and strive for excellence in executing work.


Our greatest asset is the talented and dedicated workforce that we have assembled over the years. Our operations complete over 1 million man-hours annually, and our safety program is the underlying factor in our organization’s success. ICT Industrial’s management is steadfast in its commitment to provide the resources and leadership required to ensure that HSE goals and objectives are met, and continuous improvement in reaching these goals is pursued by means of assigning roles and responsibilities to all management, workers, subcontractors and employees while performing work. ICT Industrial is committed to complying with all applicable government legislation and our own health and safety standards and we account for providing the appropriate safety measures in bids for potential projects.

ICT Industrial’s targeted goal for safety is zero incidents and injuries. HSE performance is tracked and measured through:

      • Incidents and near misses
      • First Aids
      • Inspections and Audits completed
      • Corrective actions
      • Employee training
      • Worker participation
      • Areas where remedial action is needed


ICT Industrial conducts its operations in accordance with environmental best practices, specifically:

  • Identifying environmental risks and specific environmental needs
  • Evaluating environmental performance
  • Considering the impact of products on the environment
  • Reducing impact on the environment by limiting the amount of materials used, transported, or left over as waste
  • Cleaning up any spills or releases immediately and continuously improving and reducing the number of spills and releases
  • Water Management
  • Energy conservation
  • Considering impacts on local plant and animal habitats
  • Continuously improving environmental performance

Indigenous Engagement

ICT Industrial supports and is committed to the meaningful engagement and inclusion of Indigenous communities on projects located in their territories and/or ancestral homelands. This includes the inclusion of Indigenous stakeholders in the planning and execution of projects, while also acknowledging and respecting the traditions, cultural practices, and vested interest in the health & prosperity of the land and communities ICT Industrial works in.

Suppliers & Sub-Contractors

Priority consideration is given to suppliers, contractors, and/or local joint ventures which are Indigenous Owned businesses (≥51%).


Part of the active, meaningful engagement of Indigenous communities in the construction industry is the establishment, inclusion, and continuing development of Indigenous workers in all positions: skilled trades, supervision, general administration, project management, and corporate/head office roles.

ICT Industrial not only recruits individuals in the industry who self-identify as Indigenous individuals but also engages with indigenous community leaders to create opportunities for interested individuals and groups to be introduced to and join the construction industry through apprenticeships, formal training, and/or informal/on-the-job training. The goal of this approach is twofold: provide near-term employment opportunities to individuals and assist with the long-term value and sustainable growth of Indigenous communities.

      Community Engagement

      Similar to its approach with Indigenous communities, ICT Industrial aims to cultivate meaningful engagement the population at large in the communities surrounding its project sites. In addition to opportunities for local businesses and the direct employment of individuals, ICT Industrial believes in going further to help establish a positive relationship between the community, ICT Industrial, and the operators of the facilities being constructed.

      Where possible, ICT Industrial looks to establish a lasting impact in adjacent communities. This may include a variety of initiatives, such as:

      • Working with local high schools and/or trade schools to provide an introduction to the construction industry and/or apprenticeship roles respectively
      • Contributing to and/or establishing permanent community infrastructure
      • Sponsorship of/Donation to community organizations (Food Banks, Youth Sports, Community Outreach/Assistance, etc.)

      Organizationally, this engagement and involvement is also encouraged at the individual level. ICT Industrial personnel are expected to generate a positive impact in the local community, both economically and optically, through their behavior/interactions with the community and the re-investment of project resources in local businesses.


      Both in its service offerings and its day-to-day operations, ICT Industrial believes in and works to ensure/manage the sustainability of its business, the industries it services, its clients, local community, and society at large.

      ICT Industrial works with all vested parties to ensure the potential and realized negative impacts of its work activities, the facilities constructed, and its general business operations are minimized. Pursuit of projects related to Renewables, Carbon Capture, Water Treatment, and Waste Heat Recovery are a large part of ICT Industrial’s business focus. In addition, ICT Industrial has made significant progress in associated technologies to enhance its clients’ ability to operate their facilities sustainably into the future.

      Working with a variety of industries, and the Power Generation industry in particular, ICT Industrial is engaged in the construction and deployment of systems and facilities intended to improve the sustainability of the facilities it which it works, including:

      • Reduce the carbon intensity of facilities/technologies
      • Reduce process and cooling water requirements for plant operations
      • Lower fresh water intake requirements
      • Reduce/Eliminate contaminated water effluent treatment/disposal requirements
      • Develop markets for of secondary/waste products
      • Reduce waste through innovative methods of construction
      • Assist with the adoption and transition to renewable power generation


        Antitrust and Competition

        It is the policy of ICT Industrial that its directors, officers, and employees are expected to comply with the antitrust and competition laws of any country that are applicable to our business.

        ICT Industrial expects compliance with our standard of integrity throughout the organization and will not tolerate employees who achieve results otherwise or who deal unscrupulously.  Its officers and directors are held to the same ethical standards as each employee.

        ICT Industrial’s management will not work without honesty, including honest bookkeeping, honest budget proposals and honest economic evaluation of projects.

        Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

        ICT Industrial is committed to complying with all Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs in the countries in which they work and endeavors to identify and form mutually beneficial working relationships with DBE subcontractors and suppliers whenever possible.

        Small Business Enterprises

        ICT Industrial fully support providing small business subcontractors with maximum opportunities to participate in our construction projects.

        Bribery and Anti-Corruption

        Any employee who attempts to bribe or provide an unlawful gratuity, directly or indirectly, to any person employed by or affiliated with a client, subcontractor, supplier or government entity in order to obtain business, concessions, favorable treatment or government ruling may be at risk of termination of their employment. It is the duty of each employee to know and follow the local and other applicable anti-corruption laws that apply to their assigned duties.

        Gifts and business courtesies are subject to complex laws and regulations. All employees must:

        • Ensure that all gifts or entertainment are appropriate, properly approved and accounted for, and in full compliance with ICT Industrial policy and all applicable laws
        • Obtain approval from your direct supervisor before offering any business courtesy with a market value greater than $100
        • In geographic areas where exchanges of business gifts are customary, ensure gifts are limited to the value of gifts of common courtesies
        • Offer only business courtesies that the recipient is permitted to accept under the gift acceptance rules of his or her organization